What Could Represent the Mantissa of the Registered Covid-19 Cases?


Raúl Isea (2022) What Could Represent the Mantissa of the Registered Covid-19 Cases?. International Journal of Coronaviruses - 4(2):1-6. https://doi.org/10.14302/issn.2692-1537.ijcv-22-4108

PDF: https://openaccesspub.org/article/1783/ijcv-22-4108.pdf


In this work we present how it is possible to visualize the different coronavirus outbreaks from the calculation of the mantissa from the daily record of cases by Covid-19.This curve can also indicate the speed of propagation of the disease from the calculated infection rate. These conclusions are derived from the respective calculations in four different countries: Australia, Brazil, Italy, and Venezuela.

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