A Brief Summary of the Ways in Which our Genes Influence our Perceptions of Attraction and Love

Citation: Isea, R. (2024). A Brief Summary of the Ways in Which our Genes Influence our Perceptions of Attraction and Love. Archives Clin Med Microbiol, 3(2), 01-03. 


The connection between genetics and love has been a topic of interest for decades. Romantic love involves closeness, passion, and commitment, with distinct emotional, behavioral, hormonal, and neuropsychological characteristics. Neurobiological changes, immune system involvement, and genetic polymorphisms can help therapists and counselors provide personalized guidance and develop targeted interventions. Finally, it concludes that love is a combination of processes influenced by genes,  environment, and commitment.

Available at https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/a-brief-summary-of-the-ways-in-which-our-genes-influence-our-perceptions-of-attraction-and-love.pdf

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